Member Profile

Associate Professor Samantha Loi

Associate Professor Samantha Loi

MBBS Hons, MPsych, FRANZCP, GradCertPOA, PhD

Consultant Neuropsychiatrist

Associate Professor Samantha Loi is a neuropsychiatrist and old age psychiatrist, who graduated in medicine from Monash University in 2002 and obtained her Fellowship of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists in 2011.  She also completed Advanced Training in Psychiatry of Old Age in 2012, and her PhD in 2016. She has clinical expertise in the areas of neuropsychiatric disorders such as Huntington’s disease (HD) and other younger-onset dementias and has previously worked with older adults in metropolitan and regional settings. She has been involved with pro bono work with asylum seekers and refugees and is a firm believer in advocacy and supporting those who are most vulnerable.

Associate Professor Loi’s clinical experience is complemented by her clinical-research. She is a Principal Research Fellow at the Department of Psychiatry, University of Melbourne, and has been funded by NHMRC Postgraduate and Early Career Fellowships. Her PhD investigated depression in older carers and she continues to explore ways to support carers of people who attend Neuropsychiatry. Current projects involve the Commonwealth Funded Joint Solutions Project, investigating gaps and barriers in the pathways of care for young-onset dementia. Associate Professor Loi is also involved with using technology to improve the care of people with dementia and other psychiatric disorders and developed the Symptom Assessment Manager ( which monitors neuropsychiatric symptoms in real-time.

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